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Industrial Oval Gear Flowmeter –A low-flow positive displacement meter designed for clean fluids



 COX 齒輪流量計



Industrial Oval Gear Flowmeter –A low-flow positive displacement meter designed for clean fluids


The COX Flow Measurement Industrial Oval Gear Meter is a low-flow, positive displacement flowmeter designed for clean fluids. The Industrial Oval Gear Meter is unaffected by shifts in output due to viscosity variance, making it an ideal choice for use with lubricating oil, paint, epoxies, greases, polyurethane, additives, syrups, glue, hydraulic oil and any fluid compatible with the materials of construction.

The Industrial Oval Gear Meter is best suited for fluids with a viscosity range between 5 to 1000 centipoise and does not require flow straighteners upstream or downstream. The oval meter design minimizes slippage between the gears and the measuring chamber wall. As a result, the meter is less affected than other designs by the liquid's viscosity and lubricity.

Exceptional repeatability of ±0.03% and linearity within ±0.5% over a wide operating range make this oval gear meter an excellent choice for precision blending or metering. The design offers durable construction with 1/2" NPT process ports or flange adapters. The meter is equipped with an explosion-proof terminal enclosure and ATEX/Intrinsically Safe approvals, meeting the needs of hazardous area locations.


· Rugged, simplistic design

· 316L stainless steel spindle, gear & housing

· Minimum number of wear parts

· Proven Graphalloy bearing

· Factory calibrated (custom calibrations optional)

· Compact design with integral registers

· Simplistic pulsed output

· Vertical or horizontal installation

The Oval Gear Flowmeter is ideal for a number of industrial applications, including:

· Blending

· Inventory management

· Dispensing

· Batching

· Flow monitoring


· NVLAP-accredited calibrations

· Highly repeatable: ±0.03%

· Dependable accuracy: ±0.5% or better

· Exceptionally repeatable over a wide range of viscosities

· Hermetically-sealed reed switch output

· No flow straighteners required

· Able to run various fluids without loss of calibration

· Choice of registers and signal outputs

· ATEX approval for Intrinsically Safe applications

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